A Library catalogue is a database containing details of all our physical resources. The RNN catalogue is called Library Search Online.
- You can use it to search for resources we hold at any of our Libraries.
- You can use it when searching for material on campus and off site.
- You can check what you have on loan and renew items.
- Should the book or item you want be on loan you can reserve it.
Here is a quick tour of the information you would find.
To reserve, renew or check items you have on loan you will need to login. To do this you need to login to your account using the first login options. You can use your college computer login to do this.
Our YouTube series will talk you through this and much more
Tutorial 1: Introducing Library Search Online
Tutorial 2: Logging into your account
Tutorial 3: Advanced Search
Tutorial 4: Renewing your loaned items
You can even suggest a book